ITPI Event recap – The EU Data Strategy and the Draft Data Governance Act (19th May 2021)
Authors: Sebastião Barros Vale, Chelsey Colbert, Limor Shmerling Magazanik, Rob van Eijk On May 19, 2021, the Israel Tech Policy Institute (ITPI), an Affiliate of The Future of Privacy Forum […]

ITPI’s filing on future amendments to Israeli Privacy Protection Law
On December 21, 2020, the Israel Tech Policy Institute submitted its position to the Call for Information published by the Israeli Ministry of Justice Office on the issue of amending […]

Accelerating Digital Transformation: What are the Required Building Blocks?
The Digital Transformation of our society has been evolving for some years, yet deep structural changes requiring investment in physical infrastructures, innovation of policy and legislation and public-wide changing of old habits have been slow to follow.

Party Policies on Digital Issues
In a fast-paced changing environment, where new technologies and innovations enter our lives constantly, there are major benefits that can improve our daily lives.

“Legislating Online” Conference – The Knesset, Israel Parliament
This event, organised by the parliament’s research center, raised prominent questions about the role of legislatures and regulators, in governing the internet activity of tech giants, for the protection of people’s rights.