Who We Are
The Israel Tech Policy Institute (ITPI) is the Israeli office of the Future of Privacy Forum, an organization that serves as a catalyst for privacy leadership and scholarship, advancing principled data practices in support of emerging technologies.
Unique in the Israeli tech policy landscape, the ITPI provides a platform for research and policy discourse across various stakeholders, including industry, academia, government, and civil society.
We Believe
Technological Innovation And New Uses Of Data Can Help Solve Big Societal Problems And Improve Lives.
Technological Innovation Must Be Accompanied By Fresh Privacy And Ethics Thinking.
It Is Possible To Build A World Where Technological Innovation Privacy And Ethics Can Coexist.
It Is Possible To Reach Consensus On Ethical Norms, Policies, And Business Practices To Address New Privacy And Ethical Challenges.
Our Mission
ITPI aims to support technological innovation, while protecting individual rights and public interests and respecting social norms. We seek to create an open channel for policy debates about ethical, regulatory and societal implications of emerging, cutting-edge technologies, thereby impacting policy-shaping and ethical design and implementation of new technologies.
We do so, by responding to the latest technological trends, and critically analyzing questions at the intersection of technology, law, ethics, policy, regulation, and society.
To accomplish its mission, ITPI convenes multi stakeholder workshops and professional fora, and provides research and policy outputs, including position papers, reviews, op eds, articles, and best practices. It leverages its ability to bring together business, technology and policy leaders in Israel, Europe, the US and around the world, to discuss and suggest responsible paths forward on topics such as: digital health, data ethics, cybersecurity, privacy, AI/ML, smart communities, connected mobility, and other areas where industry, academia, government and civil society can work together to shape new policy.

ITPI collaborates with local stakeholders such as Tel Aviv University, Bar Ilan University, University of Haifa, Hebrew University Jerusalem, The Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya; Tech communities such as Ecomotion, HealthIL, CityZoom, Start Up Nation Central; Government bodies such as the Israeli Ministry of Health, Ministry of Economy, Innovation Authority, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Welfare and Social Services, Cybersecurity Directorate, the Privacy Protection Authority; as well as international organizations such as the OECD and the IAPP (International Association of Privacy Professionals), on multiple research initiatives and projects.
The Privacy Tech Alliance: In 2019, ITPI with FPF established the Privacy Tech Alliance (PTA), which aims to promote the market for privacy protective technologies internationally, facilitate the development of new technologies, and maximize value for innovators and investors.
Inclusivity and Pragmatism
ITPI adheres to principles of inclusivity and pragmatism. It invites participation of industry, government, academic and civil society voices to create a platform for rich and nuanced multi-stakeholder discussions. It embraces technological innovation giving due regard to ethical, legal and social considerations – whether present or anticipated, it closely follows policy development at the intersection of technology and society, and offers fresh perspectives and pragmatic solutions for policy challenges. It recognizes the global and interoperable nature of the tech policy landscape, and therefore draws on research and lessons from other jurisdictions and it voices concerns over ethically challenging technological developments, while supporting socially beneficial innovation.

Independence and Objectivity
ITPI maintains objectivity and independence through a professional staff and multi-stakeholder advisory board. Members of the Institute’s Advisory Board include industry supporters as well as academics, and civil society representatives. The diverse composition of the board is designed to ensure the independence of opinion and action of ITPI’s staff. Supporters acknowledge ITPI’s mission driven, multi-stakeholder, expert focused policy stance. ITPI does not engage in lobbying in Israel or abroad.
Our Supporters
ITPI is committed to transparency and openness with respect to its sources of funding. As an affiliate of FPF, a non-profit think tank, ITPI is supported by a coalition of local industry contributors, as well as by government grants and private foundation funds.
FPF is supported by more than 200 multinational companies from a wide variety of industries, including technology, Internet, communications, finance, health, retail, and more. In addition to private sector companies, FPF is supported by government and private research foundations, including the US National Science Foundation (NSF), the Sloan Foundation, the Carnegie Foundation, the Gates Foundation, and more.
ITPI’s support is diverse, including funding from the Joint Development Committee, from Israeli companies and law firms including Teva, BIGID, Naschwitz Brandis, and APM, multinational companies and firms such as Intel, Google, Facebook, Microsoft, and Goodwin…..