ITPI Event recap – The EU Data Strategy and the Draft Data Governance Act (19th May 2021)
Authors: Sebastião Barros Vale, Chelsey Colbert, Limor Shmerling Magazanik, Rob van Eijk On May 19, 2021, the Israel Tech Policy Institute (ITPI), an Affiliate of The Future of Privacy Forum […]
ITPI’s filing on future amendments to Israeli Privacy Protection Law
On December 21, 2020, the Israel Tech Policy Institute submitted its position to the Call for Information published by the Israeli Ministry of Justice Office on the issue of amending […]
Privacy Protection for Smart Mobility Organizations in the Digital Age
In 2017, the Israeli government passed the Government Decision 2316, aiming to promote Israel’s global leadership in this sector through 2 vectors: 1/ promoting and developing the Israeli industry and 2/ promoting solutions to mobility challenges.
The Israeli Privacy Protection Authority Guidelines concerning privacy at the entrance to work and commercial places within the fight against Coronavirus
In the midst of the Coronavirus health crisis, as the economy gradually returns to routine and commercial activity and work resumes, non-invasive temperature testing and health questioning are becoming a condition for allowing entry into workplaces.
Israeli Supreme Court Rules Using Surveillance for Fighting a Pandemic Requires Primary Legislation
The Supreme Court today received petitions directed against the Government’s decision to authorize the Israel Security Agency, with the approval of the Intelligence and Secret Services Parliament Subcommittee to implement technological measures.
Guidance to help K-12 School Administrators and Educators Protect Student Privacy during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Schools are facing tough privacy questions as COVID-19 continues to spread across the world. In particular, schools are grappling with how to inform public health officials of health incidents among students, while still respecting their students’ privacy.
Brief on Digital Means Employed by the Government of Israel RE: Covid-19
The Government of Israel has activated two parallel and separate digital programs against the spread of the Covid-19. Both programs interact with a central data base of diagnosed patients and their full movements in the 14 days prior to their diagnosis.
Use of Digital Means to Fight the Coronavirus
The Prime Minister announced the government is planning to use technology to fight COVID-19. They hope to adopt the capabilities usually reserved to Israel’s General Security Service, which to this day have been restricted to fighting terrorism.
The virus that crowned us: COVID-19
A crisis that threatens public health entails a twofold test for human society: devising resourceful ways to outwit the biological health threat imposed upon us and coping with this threat in a way that protects human rights and interests of the individual.
ITPI Brief- Israel Health Data Research Regulations
In addition to our filing on Patient Rights Regulation, which can be found here, attached is the ITPI Presentation of the Israeli Draft Policy.