Blocking of Social Media Users by Officials
The blocking of social media users by officials, and sometimes by other opinion leaders with major influence in these media platforms is repeatedly discussed in various contexts. This discussion raises […]

Using Health Data for Research: Evolving National Policies
The COVID-19 pandemic has brought to the fore the crucial role that data collection, analysis, sharing, and dissemination play for governments, academic institutions, and private sector businesses racing to advance […]

Artificial Intelligence in Government: Implementing Algorithmic Decision-Making Systems in Welfare Services – ABSTRACT
This review (in Hebrew) looks into the emerging trend of integrating AI-based technologies into governmental services; social welfare services, in particular. Our focus here is algorithmic decision-making (ADM) systems, designed […]

Guidance to help K-12 School Administrators and Educators Protect Student Privacy during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Schools are facing tough privacy questions as COVID-19 continues to spread across the world. In particular, schools are grappling with how to inform public health officials of health incidents among students, while still respecting their students’ privacy.

ITPI Brief- Israel Health Data Research Regulations
In addition to our filing on Patient Rights Regulation, which can be found here, attached is the ITPI Presentation of the Israeli Draft Policy.